9 min read

How to Start Developing with Docker

How to Start Developing with Docker
Photo by Ian Taylor / Unsplash


Are you ready to take your development projects to the next level? Docker is a great solution for building, managing, and deploying applications in an isolated environment. With its easy-to-use features and powerful capabilities, Docker can help us create a smoother workflow and more efficient development process. In this blog post, we'll explain what Docker is and how you can get started developing with it. We'll also provide an overview of the benefits Docker provides, along with some tips for getting the most out of this tool. So, let's dive in and see what Docker has to offer!

What is Docker and How Does it Work?

Docker is a software container platform that provides an easy way for developers to develop, deploy, and run applications in isolated environments. It enables users to package up their applications with all of the necessary dependencies and libraries needed to run them, making it easier to move between different systems. It also helps isolate applications from one another, which improves security and resource utilization.

Benefits of Using Docker for Development

There are numerous benefits to using Docker for development projects. It allows us to quickly set up isolated environments with different versions of programming languages and frameworks without any configuration issues. This means developers can easily switch between projects or update software without having to start from scratch. Additionally, Docker is lightweight and can be used on any platform, making it easier to deploy applications across different platforms quickly and efficiently.

Setting Up Your Environment with Docker

Setting up an environment with Docker is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to install Docker on your machine. Once it's installed, create a directory for your project and navigate to it in the terminal. Then, you can start creating a file called Dockerfile. This file contains all of the instructions necessary to build the environment inside a Docker container. It defines what software packages should be installed and what commands need to be executed when building the image.

Once your Dockerfile is ready, you can use `docker build` command to build the environment. This process might take some time depending on how complex your setup is. After that, you can use `docker run` command to spin up the container with your desired configuration and it's ready to use!

How to install Docker on Windows with WSL2

  1. Make sure you have Windows 10 version 2004 or later and the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) feature enabled. You can check your Windows version by going to Settings > System > About and checking the "Windows specifications" section. To enable WSL, go to Settings > Apps > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off and check the box for "Windows Subsystem for Linux."
  2. Install WSL2 by following these instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10#step-2---install-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux-wsl-2.
  3. Open the Microsoft Store and search for "Docker Desktop" and install the application.
  4. After installation, open Docker Desktop and configure it to use WSL2 as the backend. Go to Settings > General > WSL Integration and select "WSL 2" as the backend.
  5. Start Docker Desktop.
  6. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and run `docker run hello-world` to verify that Docker is working properly.
  7. To run GUI-based applications, you will have to set the DISPLAY variable and access the X Server on Windows. You can use the VcXsrv Windows X Server for this.

Please note that these instructions may change depending on your specific version of Windows and Docker.

Set Up the Environment

To set up an environment with Docker on Windows with WSL:

  1. Install and configure WSL2 as described in the previous step
  2. Install Docker Desktop on Windows and configure it to use WSL2 as the backend.
  3. Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell and run the following command to install the Ubuntu distribution of WSL:
wsl --install -d Ubuntu

4. After the installation is complete, open the Ubuntu distribution by running the following command:

wsl -d Ubuntu

5. Inside the Ubuntu WSL, run the following command to update the package lists and install the necessary dependencies:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl git

6. Next, install the latest version of Docker CE by running the following command:

curl -fsSL <https://get.docker.com> -o get-docker.sh && sh get-docker.sh

7. Add your user to the Docker group to avoid having to use sudo every time you run a command

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

8. Restart the WSL2

wsl --shutdown

9. To verify that Docker is installed and working properly, run the following command inside the Ubuntu WSL:

docker run hello-world

10. Once you have confirmed that Docker is running properly, you can use it to start, stop, and manage containers, build and run images, and more.

Please note that this is an example, you can install any other Distro of WSL and install the necessary dependencies accordingly.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Docker

Basic Dockerfile for Hosting a Personal Website

When working with Docker, it's important to keep these tips in mind to ensure optimal performance:

  • Choose the right base image for your project and make sure to keep it up to date
  • Use separate containers for each component of your application
  • Keep your images as small as possible
  • Leverage the power of Docker Compose to manage multiple containers at once
  • Take advantage of Docker volumes to share data between containers
  • Use IDE in a Docker container
  • Docker Volumes
  • Docker compose
  • Debugging inside a Docker container
FROM hugo:latest

COPY ./app /app
VOLUME ["/app/path/to/site"]
CMD ["hugo", "-v", "--bind", ""]

Docker Compose file for Hosting a Personal Website

version: '3.7'

			context: ./
			dockerfile: Dockerfile
			- "80:80"
			HUGO_VERSION: 0.78.2
			- ./path/to/site:/app/path/to/site
		command: ["hugo", "-v", "--bind", ""]

Here is an example Dockerfile for building a Hugo site:

FROM klakegg/hugo:0.88.1-alpine  
WORKDIR /site  
COPY . .  
CMD ["hugo", "server", "--bind="]

This Dockerfile starts with the klakegg/hugo:0.88.1-alpine image, which includes the Hugo static site generator. It sets the working directory to /site, copies the contents of the current directory to the container's /site directory, and specifies the command to run when the container starts using the CMD instruction. In this case, the command is hugo server --bind=, which starts a local server that serves the Hugo site.

To use this Dockerfile, you would navigate to the directory that contains your Hugo site and run the following commands:

docker build -t my-hugo-site . docker run -p 1313:1313 -v $(pwd):/site my-hugo-site

The first command builds a Docker image called my-hugo-site based on the Dockerfile in the current directory. The second command runs the container using the image, mapping port 1313 on the host to port 1313 inside the container and mounting the current directory to the container's /site directory using a volume. You can access the Hugo site by going to http://localhost:1313 in your web browser.

Here is an example Docker Compose file that uses the above Dockerfile:

version: '3'

    build: .
      - "1313:1313"
      - .:/site

This Compose file defines a service called hugo that uses the Dockerfile in the current directory to build a container. The ports section maps port 1313 on the host to port 1313 inside the container, so you can access the Hugo site by going to http://localhost:1313 in your web browser. The volumes section maps the current directory to the /site directory inside the container, allowing you to make changes to your Hugo site and see them immediately without needing to rebuild the container.

To use this Compose file, you would navigate to the directory that contains your Hugo site and run the following command:

docker-compose up

This command will build the hugo service using the Dockerfile in the current directory and start the container. The Hugo site will be served automatically, and any changes you make to the site files will be reflected immediately. If you need to rebuild the container, you can use the following command:

docker-compose up --build

This will rebuild the hugo service using the Dockerfile in the current directory and start the container.

Common Challenges Faced When Developing with Docker and How to Overcome Them

When developing with Docker, you may face some common challenges. This could include slow build times, difficulty managing multiple containers, and lack of visibility into the container's environment. To overcome these issues, be sure to use optimized images for your project, leverage Docker Compose to help manage containers, and use logging tools to improve visibility.

Best Practices for Developing in a Containerized Environment

When using Docker for development, there are some best practices you should follow:

  • Keep your Dockerfile clear and concise
  • Use images with the least amount of components necessary
  • Leverage the power of Docker Compose for managing multiple containers
  • Take advantage of logging and monitoring tools
  • Make sure to keep your images up to date

Best Practices for Developing in a Containerized Environment

When using Docker for development, there are some best practices you should follow:

Keep your Dockerfile clear and concise

Keeping your Dockerfile clear and concise is important for a number of reasons. A clean and concise Dockerfile makes it easier to understand how your image is built, which can help with troubleshooting and debugging issues. It also makes it easier to maintain your Dockerfile over time as you make changes to your application or add new dependencies. By keeping your Dockerfile simple and easy to understand, you can help ensure that your development process is streamlined and efficient.

Use images with the least amount of components necessary

When building Docker images for development, it's important to use images with the least amount of components necessary. This helps to minimize the size of your images and reduce their complexity, which can make them easier to work with and deploy. By minimizing the components in your images, you can also reduce the likelihood of conflicts or compatibility issues between different components. This can help to streamline your development process and make it easier to maintain your images over time.

Leverage the power of Docker Compose for managing multiple containers

Docker Compose is a powerful tool for managing multiple containers in a Docker environment. By using Docker Compose, you can easily define and run multiple containers at once, specifying the configuration for each container in a single file. This can help to simplify your development process and make it easier to manage complex applications with multiple components. Docker Compose also provides a number of other features, such as easy scaling of containers and support for environment variables, that can help to make your development process more efficient and flexible.

Take advantage of logging and monitoring tools

When working with Docker, it's important to take advantage of logging and monitoring tools to help you identify and troubleshoot issues. Docker provides a number of built-in logging and monitoring features, such as the Docker logs command and the Docker stats command, which can help you keep track of what's happening inside your containers. There are also a number of third-party logging and monitoring tools that can be used with Docker, such as ELK Stack and Prometheus, which can provide additional functionality and insights into your containerized environment.

Make sure to keep your images up to date

One of the most important best practices for Docker development is to keep your images up to date. This means regularly updating your images to include the latest security patches, bug fixes, and new features. By keeping your images up to date, you can help to ensure that your applications are secure and that they are using the latest technology. This can also help to reduce the likelihood of conflicts or compatibility issues between different components. Regularly updating your images can be a time-consuming process, but it's an important step to take to ensure the health and stability of your Docker environment over time.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your applications will run smoothly in the containerized environment. This will make it easier for developers to switch between projects or update software quickly and efficiently.

Below there are some example code snippets to illustrate the best practices for developing in a containerized environment:

  1. Keep your Dockerfile clear and concise:
FROM python:3.9
COPY requirements.txt /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /app
CMD ["python", "app.py"]

This Dockerfile is clear and concise, using only the components necessary to run a Python web application. It installs the Python dependencies, copies the application code into the container, and sets the command to run the application.

2. Use images with the least amount of components necessary:

FROM alpine:3.14
RUN apk add --no-cache git openssh-client
RUN git clone <https://github.com/example/repo.git> /app

This Dockerfile uses Alpine Linux, which is a lightweight distribution, and installs only Git and the OpenSSH client. It clones a Git repository and sets the working directory to the repository.

3. Leverage the power of Docker Compose for managing multiple containers:

version: '3'

    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      - db
    image: postgres:latest

This Docker Compose file defines two services, one for a web application and another for a PostgreSQL database. It specifies that the web service depends on the database service, and maps port 5000 on the host to port 5000 inside the container.

4. Take advantage of logging and monitoring tools:

version: '3'

    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      driver: "syslog"
        syslog-address: "tcp://syslog:514"
        tag: "myapp"

This Docker Compose file defines a service for a web application and specifies that the logging driver should be Syslog. It also configures the logging options to send the logs to a remote Syslog server.

5. Make sure to keep your images up to date:

FROM python:3.9
COPY requirements.txt /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /app
CMD ["python", "app.py"]

To keep this Dockerfile up to date, you would periodically run docker build . to rebuild the image with the latest versions of the Python dependencies. You could also use a tool like Dependabot to automatically update the dependencies in the requirements.txt file.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your applications will run smoothly in the containerized environment. This will make it easier for developers to switch between projects or update software quickly and efficiently.

Examples of Successful Applications Built with Docker

Docker is used by some of the world's biggest companies and organizations for their development projects. Some examples include Netflix, Uber, Etsy, Spotify, Twitter and many more. Each of these applications leverages Docker's features to maximize efficiency and performance.